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Any queries relating to the EAP portal should be directed to the Student Systems Support Centre at student. ac. uk or 01865 284848. The deadlines by which approved payment requests must be received by the Finance team in order for payments to be reflected in a particular month's payroll are available on the table below. All Chairs of Examiners are eligible for one fixed retainer fee per exam board for which they are the Chair in any given academic year. This takes the form of a fixed fee for 1 30 candidates, for which the rate differs depending on the type of examination, as outlined in the published Schedule of Fees. Depending on the type of examination, Chairs of Examiners may also be eligible for additional retainer fee when the number of candidates assessed by the exam board exceeds 30, as follows:The additional retainer fee is the sum of the piece rate fee for each additional candidate over 30 e. g. This piece rate fee also differs depending on the type of examination, as outlined in the published Schedule of Fees. Payments of Chairs' retainer fees must be submitted to Finance for processing via the EAP portal in the same way as any other type of payments. Full guidance relating to the EAP portal, including how to gain access and user manuals, is available from the EAP support page.

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The campus is envisioned as an urban campus with density to complement the historic downtown. Bringing a university to Yuma within the next 10 to 15 years would draw students from a large region, Bauermann said. The area, referred to in previous official City meetings as Old Town South, is directly adjacent to downtown Yuma. City officials and project team members believe a university campus would create synergy with the downtown to create a vital urban hub. The City of Yuma is committed in the long term to this 10 to 15 year vision of a downtown university, and sees it as a collaborative effort among many community partners to bring this vison to reality, and not solely a City of Yuma initiative, said Yuma Mayor Douglas J. Nicholls. Likewise, the campus could feature one university or could involve multiple universities, providing complementary academic services to the region. This is a conceptual plan only which needs to have the active involvement and cooperation of the property owners, she said. We believe that if we can amass the land for a university, it will serve a greater purpose for Yuma. BROOKINGS The Brookings City Council extended existing COVID 19 restrictions on businesses for another 60 days, during a three and a half hour long meeting that had audience members applauding every few minutes, yelling over speakers and jeering at those they disagreed with, including councilors. The council passed Ordinance 20 017 by a 6 1 vote Wednesday, with Councilor Joey Collins the dissenting vote.

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Ulama lain yang sependapat bumi itu bulat adalah Syaikhul Islam Ibnu Taimiyah 1263 1328 M tokoh salafi yang mengatakan, Ketahuilah, bahwa mereka para ulama sepakat bahwa bentuk bumi itu bulat yang ada di bawah bumi hanyalah tengah dan paling bawahnya adalah pusat. Ibnu Khaldun 1332 1406 M berkata, Ketahuilah, sudah jelas di kitab kitab para ilmuwan dan para peneliti tentang alam bahwa bumi berbentuk bulat. Walaupun berdasarkan berbagai penelitian membuktikan bahwa bumi itu berbentuk bulat, namun para ulama tetap menghargai orang berbeda pendapat dengan mereka. Sebagaimana yang dikatakan oleh Ibnu Hazm ketika menukilkan kesepakatan ulama tentang bulatnya bumi, Mereka mengatakan, Sesungguhnya petunjuk petunjuk telah membuktikan bahwa bumi itu bulat. Sementara secara umum ada yang mengatakan selain itu. Jawaban kami dengan petunjuk Allah, sesungguhnya dari kalangan para ulama Islam yang berhak disebut pioner dalam ilmu tidak mengingkari bumi ini bulat. Tidak salah orang yang menolak pendapatnya. Bandingkan dengan perjalan perkembangan soal pertentangan ilmiah di Barat yang berujung dengan gelimang darah, pemenjaraan bahkan hukuman mati. Seperti yang dialami oleh Galileo Galilei 1546 1642 M yang dengan tegas mengatakan bumi itu bulat kemudian dihadapkan pada hukuman mati. Seiring dengan pekembangan sain dan teknologi, kebenaran pernyataan Galileo tersebut semakin jelas. Bahkan tak sedikit orang beranggapan bahwa dialah orang pertama yang menemukan teori bulatnya bumi padahal ratusan tahun sebelumnya ilmuwan Islam dengan berdasar Al Quran dan penelitian mereka telah membuktikan bumi itu bulat.

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